About Paul Vincent Lawford

Who want's to know?

Digital Detox

No, I’m not dead … yet

I don’t have any idea, or much care if you are reading this, that sounds horrid but hear me out. This is a thing I do for my own amusement, a record, or diary of a sort, and if it resonates or pleases you then that’s a wonderful bonus and I thank you from the bottom of my boots. If not there’s plenty of other stuff out there, oh so there is

So, a month ago I erased all my stuff from YouTube got rid of all my social media messaging services and stopped reading the News. Life immediately improved. I am now retracing my steps to a life in the present and in the space around me

Perhaps one needs to drop out in order to to drop in on one’s self

I shall post more of my things again soon. This is still a small part of my meagre but therapeutic creative output

Thank you for reading this and thus far

Without you this would still exist but it might sorely miss out


Barbenheimer vs Bradsellhammer


Christopher Nolan’s first feature film “Following” featured Richard Arthur Bradsell (4 May 1959 – 27 February 2016) who was a British barman noted for his innovative work with cocktails, including the creation of many new drinks now considered to be modern classics e.g Espresso Martini, the Bramble, the Wible etc …

He was also a lovely friend … and to almost everybody … often with the charmingly menacing caveat: “Please don’t make me NOT like you”

 He did not suffer fools, and in this clip he displays his deft technique for dealing with them



Hello Hello Hell Lo


Hello The People … no no no … hello to you personally, you who are reading these words written from a room not so very very far from yours … written with the tenacity that they might reach you

 We have contact


 My aim has always been to entertain you, if nothing else, and more often than not nothing else

 Tonight I saw this product and it wrought a tiny tear that did’th shed itself upon my world wide weary eye

 If we value ourselves using numbers we are at the mercy of numbers

 I don’t consider myself a failure for being loved by only one person

But then I was never good at maths



Don Quixote Rubbish

The Rubbishmen of Soho London Victorian Punk Revivalist art duo, Robert Rubbish and yours truly struggled, along with Orson Welles, Terry Gilliam and countless others to adapt Cervantes’ Don Quixote to fit on a screen

Fraught with disasters it was fun while it lasted

I am reviving the project in another form and dimension and here is a tiny scene from it

Yuletide Delirium Tremens


Hello my dears I took a left turn on the Misinformation Highway and got lost in the WWWilderness searching for buried treasures to gift you during this funny old season. I may have struck gold but it feels more like a shovel blow to the head

You may notice that I have 16 items in my basket in these photos. I swear I didn’t put them there

I hope there is something here to entertain, or it may leave you just as bewildered as I am. None of the insanity and weirdness that follows was produced by AI 


First up is baby wear. I didn’t press the video button as my nerves are not as robust as they once might have been



 The above might strike a chord spanning an octave for Blogger Tony 




Apparatus for cat suspension, herding, humiliating and the like




For that Snow White appearance at one’s Après Ski look no further than this latex painty skin glove for that graveyard tan





On Boxing Day after your Cuffed One has left you to salvage what is left of your compassion and self-dignity, what better gift to reward yourself than with a pair of these to skulk about in across the apocalyptic kitchen floor?





I lied, I think this must be a lie, it’s AI, yes Eye know oh shut up



But WTF?





No, no, no more tears, use Cheese & Onion Flavoured Crisps instead of this for that extra sheen and it smells more cheesy and slightly less oniony





This batshit crazy flying singing Satan mouse thing has more than 1 infuriating mode, wahoo





We didn’t like the eyelashes did we? Come on I’m sure you didn’t like the eyelashes but compared to these? If you remember Thunderbirds or the band Oasis you might not see anything





Now this may not be WOKE, PC or even TRUE but who cares anymore, I’m in too far now to ever find my way back to a specialist

PS: Notice there are no mystical numbers on the measure





As for this next one … I just don’t know what I’m looking at. Is it to keep the Red Onion Scouring Soup off the eyelashes?





Children, Babies and Dwarfs are getting some overdue attention here as we arrive at this. Discard baby after use? Surely this product would result in unpleasantness, possibly some upset, and definitely a lot of drowning





And yet another way to mop the Christmas kitchen floor





Who doesn’t want an optic in their Persons Cave?

This is mental





We are all sometimes in need of this next thing





This section of images has left me scared of looking under the bed or going to the bathroom at night without a machete





I believe these are collectible but not compulsory





Eh, why? I am textless










OK Enough of this horror. How about rejoining those allegedly Short People.

They just need cat vitamins





Disappointed with living any longer? If we can’t grow taller we may as well simply grow younger by using AI, photoshop and making shit up just like the rubber head babies do





A quick and earnest disclaimer. I am keen to point out that I have no association with these products and do not recommend a single fucking one of them. I receive no financial, psychological or sexual benefit from advertising these frightening examples of fear and loathing in a material world floating insanely on the meniscus of self annihilation. With that said …



Happy Christmas One & AI xx




Bless You Russell Norman


Pioneering restaurateur Russell Norman dies aged 57 following cardiac arrest

He was a beautiful, brilliant and extraordinarily generous human being

Love to his wife and the kids and the millions of us lucky buggers he made happy


I chose this preposterous image of a current product on AliExpress to express the sense of helplessness and absurdity accepting that he is no longer here. Thank you Russell, you made an everlasting positive difference to my life, and I forgive you